Bode’s is still a General Store and while we do not have a full line of hardware, you can still buy the essential tools and parts you might need to make minor home repairs. Abiquiu is the gateway to some of the best hunting, fishing and hiking country in the southwest. We carry basic essentials for hiking and hunting, with more of an emphasis on fishing supplies, such as flies, minnows in season and worms year round.
Our gift and book selection has always been a favorite spot to shop, and often a happy surprise to visitors. We carry everything from blankets to towels and handmade local soaps. Not to mention, we have hard-to-find regional books, histories, and complete O’Keeffe bibliographies. And yes, we still sell livestock feed, pet food, and wild bird seed.
We keep a diverse inventory of Lodge Ironware, plenty of enamelware, Stanley products, along with rain ponchos and mosquito repellent. We are very proud of the fact that we have been a Boker Knife dealer for over 90 years. There is also a selection of Helle and Hultafor knives, and the worlds best line of axes, Hults Bruk. Bodes is a full service YETI Dealer carrying all YETI related products and accessories.
Looking for something, we probably have it.